neutral grip

An equipment grip where the palms face each other.

Some exercises are naturally performed with a neutral grip, e.g.: seated row, dumbbell row, hammer curl, dip

Some exercises that can be weighted on the side (using a kettlebell or a dumbbell) would also require a neutral grip, e.g.: weighted lunge, weighted split squat, farmer carry, suitcase deadlift…

Some exercises with a dumbbell can have a neutral grip variant, e.g.: neutral chin-up, neutral military press, neutral dumbbell bench press…

Some exercises with a barbell can be switched to a neutral grip, using specially designed fitness equipment:

  • trap bar: deadlift, military press…
  • Swiss bar: bench press, bent-over row…
  • safety bar: barbell squat, barbell good-morning…

It can be considered a good compromise between a pronated grip and a supinated grip.

It should be noted that it is more joint-friendly.